St. John's Council Members
The following individuals are currently serving on St. John's Congregation Council. If you need to speak with anyone of them, please contact us, and we will get a message to them.
President - Nicole Jarvis |
Executive, Finance, Ed/Youth
Vice-President - Bryce Tingwald | Executive, Finance, Personnel | |
Secretary - Brenda Haverhals | Executive, Finance | |
Treasurer-Bill Young | Executive, Finance | |
Janys Schroeder | Worship | |
Cindy Kamies | Outreach | |
Becky De Ruyter | Endowment | |
Ashley Knapp | Inreach | |
John Hines | Property | |
Tammy Lee | Personnel | |
Dick Milne | Technology | |
Joey Posivio | Youth/Education | |
Pam Roling | Library |